Europa universalis iv dlc discount
Europa universalis iv dlc discount


  • Republican Dictatorship adds a middle ground between republics and monarchies.
  • New, unique mechanics for Merchant Republics, Elective Monarchies (particularly Poland-Lithuania in the 1444 start), and the Dutch Republic government type that’s exclusive to the Netherlands.
  • europa universalis iv dlc discount

    It will be least valuable to players who prefer landlocked, non-colonial, land warfare-focused powers in Central and Eastern Europe. Adding on the fact that it’s cheaper than Conquest of Paradise, which added fewer meaningful mechanics, and the fact that you can get it for next to nothing on every Steam sale involving EU4, this one is easy to recommend. This is the ‘trade expansion’, and since for my money trade is one of the more intriguing and well-designed systems in EU4, I’d hesitate to pass this one up.

  • Improvements to the Merchant Republic government type.
  • You can now stipulate in a peace treaty that the defeated country must allow you military access to their lands and/or access to their ports for a period of time.
  • Nations can now transfer trade power as part of a treaty.
  • Hindu nations may now pick a patron deity, and get a new events.
  • Reformed (Calvinist) Christians get new Fervor mechanics that allow them to get really worked up and provide bonuses to their nation.
  • europa universalis iv dlc discount

  • Adds the ability to build the Panama, Suez, and Kiel canals in the late game for a ridiculous sum of money.
  • Improvements to overland (as opposed to sea) trade.
  • This feature is also unlocked if you purchase 2018’s Dharma expansion (see below).
  • Adds the ability to create Trade Companies, a special type of tributary that will take over your colonial provinces and increase their trade value.
  • Basically, it’s a way to ensure that if you can’t have the money, nobody can.
  • Light ships can be turned into Privateers and sent on missions to sabotage a rival’s profits in an area where you don’t have the ability to compete for trade profits yourself.
  • Random New World is a fun novelty, especially the first few times, but I don’t find myself ever using it lately. If you are interested in North American tribes, it definitely takes them from being barely represented in the game to feeling like full-fledged nations.


    The new mechanics listed on Steam for colonial nations are actually part of the free patch, so you don’t need to buy the DLC to access them. You can skip this one entirely if you want to play strictly with the historical New World continents and don’t care about North American tribes (specifically in what is now the US and Canada – Central America was addressed in its own expansion).

  • Tons of new mechanics for North American natives, allowing you to play as a migratory plains tribe and form a federation of your neighbours to oppose the stronger Europeans upon their arrival.
  • Adds the ability to generate a Random New World, replacing the Americas with something totally different every time you play with the option selected, to put some real discovery back into the age of discovery.
  • Here is a list of all of the Europa Universalis 4 DLC you can buy:

    europa universalis iv dlc discount

    Our best advice is to look at what specifically an expansion offers, and decide if its a part of the game you’re going to be spending a lot of time in sooner rather than later.

    europa universalis iv dlc discount

    There are many expansions that are situational, although as a general rule they are (mostly) all worth getting eventually anyway. This list is in chronological order, so you can probably get the stuff at the top for a couple bucks if you wait. Typically the longer something has been out, the bigger the discount. Keep in mind that these are all non-sale prices, and most older Paradox expansions are discounted anywhere from 25% to 75% off during special sales, such as holidays or a new DLC is release. Whether you’re new to the game and you want to know what’s what, or you’re a vet looking to top up your collection and want to know what’s most worth the money, we’ve put together this handy guide to help you pick the best EU4 DLC.


    The many expansions total well over $200 full price just for the major expansions. It’s almost hard to believe that Europa Universalis IV is seven years old.

    Europa universalis iv dlc discount